A Cyber Security Professional Company
Infrastructure Security


Cloud security is the protection of data, application and infrastructure while hosting data in cloud (SaaS, Paas, IaaS). While hosting your company or organization's information into cloud, you require high-level security concerns—like unauthorized data exposure and leaks, weak access controls, susceptibility to attacks, and availability disruptions—affect traditional IT and cloud systems alike. Like any computing environment, cloud security involves maintaining adequate preventative protections :


Cyber Experts cloud services provides:


  • Defining security requirements for Cloud

  • Developing strategies/roadmaps as to how/when to integrate data/processes/services into the cloud

  • Outlineing the roles and responsibilities of the organization and the cloud service provider

  • What security controls needed to achieve adequate protection of the information

  • Evaluating whether the cloud service provider meets your cloud migration and security requirements

  • Integrating cloud strategy with data governance program


We have various cloud platform working expertise including integration, migration or hybrid environment with cloud security:

> Amazon AWS
> Microsoft Azure
> Google GC
> Other Private Clouds